Metagenomics sequencing kits

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Metagenomics sequencing kits

Metagenomics is a branch of genetics that deals with the sequencing of DNA from different environments to describe the composition of organisms in a sample, including those that cannot be cultured. For example, environmental DNA or the gut microbiota are studied in this way.

16S rRNA gene sequencing is used in the study of bacterial phylogeny and taxonomy. 16S ribosomal RNA sequencing is primarily used to identify bacterial species in environmental samples and is performed using amplicon NGS. Revvity introduces 16S Amplicon-Seq Kits, which are kits for accelerated library preparation for the Illumina platform. The protocols are automatable for Sciclone® NGS and NGSx Workstations pipetting robots.

Bacteria identification

The NEXTFLEX 16S Amplicon-Seq kits enable analysis of the entire microbial community in samples unaffected by culture on media. With the ability to pool hundreds of samples in a single sequencing run, NGS 16s RNA sequencing is a sensitive and inexpensive method for detecting strains that are not identifiable by other methods.

NEXTFLEX® 16S V4 Amplicon-Seq Kit 2.0
Validated library preparation for 16 V4 rRNA sequencing for the Illumina platform.

NEXTFLEX® 16S V1-V3 Amplicon-Seq Kit
Validated library preparation for 16S V1-V3 bacterial metagenome analysis.

Identification of fungi and microscopic eukaryotic species

NEXTFLEX® ITS Amplicon-Seq Kit
Designed kit for the preparation of multiplexed amplicon libraries that span the Internal Transcribed Spacer (ITS) region. ITS rRNA sequencing captures hypervariable ITS1 and/or ITS2 loci that are commonly used for phylogeny of eukaryotic organisms in complex communities. The kit is capable of using extra small amounts of input DNA.

NEXTFLEX® 16S V4 and 18S Amplicon-Seq Kit
Used for validated library preparation for IZS metagenomics of eukaryotic samples. Culture free identification of bacteria and fungi and/or microeukaryotes in a single library preparation process. The NEXTFLEX® 16S V4 & 18S Amplicon-Seq Kit allows for the preparation of libraries that are targeted to cover the 16S V4 regions of bacteria and 18S rRNA of eukaryotes, enabling monitoring of species composition and metagenomics in complex samples that contain bacterial, fungal and microeukaryotic DNA. Validated preparation of sequencing libraries for 16S V4 and 18S metagenomics in a single protocol.

Technical details about Metagenomics sequencing kits

Warranty Metagenomics sequencing kits

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Metagenomics sequencing kits
  • Producer: Revvity, Inc.
Metagenomics sequencing kits

Metagenomics sequencing kits

Metagenomics is a branch of genetics that deals with the sequencing of DNA from different environments to describe the composition of organisms in a sample, including those that cannot be cultured. For example, environmental DNA or the gut microbiota are studied in this way.

16S rRNA gene sequencing is used in the study of bacterial phylogeny and taxonomy. 16S ribosomal RNA sequencing is primarily used to identify bacterial species in environmental samples and is performed using amplicon NGS. Revvity introduces 16S Amplicon-Seq Kits, which are kits for accelerated library preparation for the Illumina platform. The protocols are automatable for Sciclone® NGS and NGSx Workstations pipetting robots.

Bacteria identification

The NEXTFLEX 16S Amplicon-Seq kits enable analysis of the entire microbial community in samples unaffected by culture on media. With the ability to pool hundreds of samples in a single sequencing run, NGS 16s RNA sequencing is a sensitive and inexpensive method for detecting strains that are not identifiable by other methods.

NEXTFLEX® 16S V4 Amplicon-Seq Kit 2.0
Validated library preparation for 16 V4 rRNA sequencing for the Illumina platform.

NEXTFLEX® 16S V1-V3 Amplicon-Seq Kit
Validated library preparation for 16S V1-V3 bacterial metagenome analysis.

Identification of fungi and microscopic eukaryotic species

NEXTFLEX® ITS Amplicon-Seq Kit
Designed kit for the preparation of multiplexed amplicon libraries that span the Internal Transcribed Spacer (ITS) region. ITS rRNA sequencing captures hypervariable ITS1 and/or ITS2 loci that are commonly used for phylogeny of eukaryotic organisms in complex communities. The kit is capable of using extra small amounts of input DNA.

NEXTFLEX® 16S V4 and 18S Amplicon-Seq Kit
Used for validated library preparation for IZS metagenomics of eukaryotic samples. Culture free identification of bacteria and fungi and/or microeukaryotes in a single library preparation process. The NEXTFLEX® 16S V4 & 18S Amplicon-Seq Kit allows for the preparation of libraries that are targeted to cover the 16S V4 regions of bacteria and 18S rRNA of eukaryotes, enabling monitoring of species composition and metagenomics in complex samples that contain bacterial, fungal and microeukaryotic DNA. Validated preparation of sequencing libraries for 16S V4 and 18S metagenomics in a single protocol.

  • Producer: Revvity, Inc.
Dynex Dynex